Our works create
exceptional artists from Poland
It's hard to write two or three summary sentences about all of them - they are as different as the creative personalities may differ, but they have one thing in common - they are incredibly devoted to their work. What they do is their passion, thanks to which the sculptures and figurines they create - or even functional items - are truly unique. In the artists tab, you can read a short note about each and every one of them - but the best way to get to know them is to look at their work. Welcome!
They cooperate with us: Despet Urszula i Grzegorz, Drzymała Dariusz, Drzymała Jacek, Dusza Karol, Dydo Mariusz, Jargiło Ewa i Marek, Konior Magdalena, Kucharski Bogdan, Lewandowska Jadwiga, MalickaZamorska Anna, Niewdana Jakub, Płonka Anna, Rynkiewicz Iwo, Szeląg Karolina, Zieliński Dariusz
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The only such place
with art in Poland
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We are not an ordinary shop because our history is not ordinary. It started a dozen or so years ago in Southeast Asia, and finally moved to Polish soil. Originally, we were engaged in importing handicrafts and art from Indonesia, we wanted not only to support the local community, but also to offer Poles something very special. This is where the somewhat exotic name of our store comes from. After some time, however, we realized that for many people the products created by our native artists are equally unknown, so we decided to comply with the principle of "the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence" and focus on Polish art and artistic craftsmanship.
After the first years of operation, not only the name remained. Also the concern to offer our customers unique and original products, and that the creators cooperating with us are treated fairly and with respect. We always place other people and their needs at the center of our concerns. We always make every effort to ensure that the products ordered from us safely reach recipients and enjoy their hearts and eyes for many years. Each shipment is completed and packed as if its recipient was one of our closest people.
Birthday gift idea? An original decoration for Christmas? Or maybe some little thing that will complete the living room? You can find here each of these things - and much more. Welcome!